SALSITA – サルシータ

In Japan, Most of Mexican restaurant is serving tacos and only some of famous Mexican foods. But here you can eat many kind of authentic Mexican food including traditional one. As the chef has experience working at restaurant in Mexico, so the taste is the same of the one in Mexico.

Must Order
Guacamole − グアカモレディップ 900 yen

Avocado paste with chinese parsley, typical appetizer
Sopes – ソペス 800 yen

This is a finger food and traditional Mexican dish originating in the central and southern parts of Mexico, tomato, cheese, chicken, some vegetables and Mexican beans paste on a thick tortilla. Looks like different style tacos.
Cactus salad – サボテンのサラダ 900 yen

The place where can eat cactus is only few in Japan. It’s a Mexican vegetable.
Chicken and lime soup yucatán syle – チキンとライムのスープユカタン風 950 yen

This soup is felling very fresh with light sour, vegetables and chicken stock has balance.
Queso fundido – ケソフンディード ¥900

This is a Mexican cheese fondue, Homemade chorizo and “Chipotle”; Mexican chill pepper in on the cheese. Every items has strong taste but good balance. yummy.
Jalapeno bomb ハラペーニョの爆弾 600 yen

Fried Jalapeno with cheese inside, looks very hot but cheese weaken spiciness level.
Zucchini Pudin – ズッキーニのブディン 700 yen

Pudin is very soft, and zucchini flavor, simple but yummy.
Tacos 800 yen

You can chose beef or pork, it is simple, but the same style of Mexican one.
Chicken mole poblano – 鶏のモレポブラーノ 1900 yen

Signature* This is one of traditional Mexican food, the source is made of chocolate, but not sweet. The chocolate is a little strong, even you would feel better, Great taste of a full flavor.
Enchilada – エンチラーダス 1200 – 1400 yen
Signature* Enchilada, tortilla roll is inside and simmer in a source right one is red tomato with chili and left one is green tomato.
Red tomato source is rich and a little spicy, green one source is sour and fresh.
Arroz con leche – アロス コン レイチェ 400 yen
アロス コン レイチェ

Rice simmer with cinnamon and milk, feeling sweet of rice and flavor of cinnamon must eat.
Restaurant detail
Food rating | Good for drop-in |
Budget | ¥4,000~¥4,999 |
English friendliness | There is english menu here, foreigner sometimes come here. Staff can speak English. |
Reservation or queue | It is better to make reservation one week advance. |
Payment by | Cash and credit card |
Site and SNS | Web site |
Any other detail | Information on Google Map |