Niwa-tsu-dori – 庭つ鶏

This restaurant is located 5 mins working from Gotanda station, Niwa-tsu-dori is a old word which means poultry(Niwa-tori)

As the chef of this restaurant has a license of poultry processing, everyday they dress a chicken in the restaurant. So chicken meat are very fresh here enough to eat them as an almost raw meat. (slightly boiled or grilled, but inside is still raw)
Also thanks to this freshness, the chicken meat are very silky, soft and juicy. Even those dishes looks so simple, but you would satisfied with the quality of chose chickens.

Also, Following complimentary appetizer(left) and desert(right) would be served, the boiled chicken skin with chicken stock is good starter with well balanced saltiness, the egg cake is great harmony between sweetness and savory taste from chicken stock.
Yes, again let mi highlight that they are complimentary dishes, also each dishes are less than 1000 yen, and most of dishes are round 500 yen, even they has portion for 2 person, the cost performance is very high.
One more characteristic thing is here is that skewers and charcoal are not used here, as to keep inside raw, grilled higher temperature with less time, so grilled by gas and no skewers is better here.
Must order
Chicken sashimi / 鶏さしみ – 900 yen

*Signature Even just slightly boiled, Inside is almost still raw meat, left ones are breast and right ones are tender, both are very soft and juicy, and can be compared the differences between them.
Grilled chicken thigh with crispy skin / 皮パリもも焼き – 900 yen

*Signature the skin are grilled deeply to be crispy, however the inside is still raw, so you can enjoy both crispy and juicy and soft chicken meat both at the same time.
The chicken meat contains great quality of fat, you still feeling good meat juice, but those are not too oily. Also you can dip into the sour soy sauce; ponzu, this would bring out the sweetness of the chicken meat, and refresh your mouth. It is difficult to find the same dish in other restaurant.

Grilled chicken breast / むね – 500 yen

This is the similar to the above grilled chicken thigh with crispy skin, however as this is breast meat, less oily and lighter than thigh meat, also the taste of meat are more strong.
Even you ordered the above grilled chicken thigh with crispy skin, it is worth to order and compare the differences.
Liver / レバー – 500 yen

The liver is very fresh no feeling bat smell or taste, the texture of meat is very silky and the taste is deep and rich like liver putty even this liver is not cooked, but just grilled. yummy.
Heart / ハツ 450 yen

Typically gizzard is more popular than heart in yakitori restaurant, but this heart is very soft and slightly chewy, the taste is strong with original meat, yummy
A full grown chicken / 親鳥 650 yen

Typically chicken meat which is served as yakitori is used young chicken as the meat is still soft. however this a full grown chicken is from mother birds which has retired to lay eggs already. So this mean the age of chicken is much higher than typical chicken for yakitori.
So the taste of meat are different, the meat got harder but become more chewy, and the taste is less sweetness but become more strong.
It is worth to order to compare this dish too, must try.
Chicken meat flake on rice with egg / そぼろ卵かけご飯 – 500 yen

This dish is finisher to your dish, Chicken meat flake on rice seems to be not seasoned so much, but the taste is very strong with chicken meat one, this should come from the quality of chicken meat.
Also after finished half, you can pour mixed egg coming with the rice bowl, this would change the taste to more balanced sweet and savory taste.
One more thing, after pour the egg, you might add a chili pepper which is stored in the following bottle, they would be good accent for the bowl which would become more mild with mixed egg.

Restaurant detail
Food rating | A good place to make a dinner plan in your journey. |
Budget | ¥3,000~¥4,000 |
English friendliness | There is no english menu here, foreigner comes here often. |
Reservation or queue | You can make reservation by calling, it is better to make reservation one week advance. |
Payment by | Only Cash |
Site and SNS | Web site |
Any other detail | Information on Google Map |